University Regulations
Regulations are the specific rules governing the operation of the University.
- Temporary Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Awards 2020-2021
- Emergency Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Awards 2019-2020
- Regulation 1 Admission of students to undergraduate programmes of study
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate Awards 2024-25
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate Awards 2023-24 (PDF, 383KB)
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate awards 2022-23 (PDF, 237KB)
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate awards 2021-22 (PDF, 245.5KB)
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate awards 2020-21 (PDF, 242.2KB)
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate Awards 2019-20
- Regulation 2 Undergraduate awards 2018-19 (PDF, 158.6KB)
- Regulation 5 Academic Misconduct, and procedures to be followed in the event of suspected breach of assessment regulations
- Regulation 6 Academic Appeals
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations 2024-25
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations 2023-24 (PDF, 365KB)
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations 2022-23 (PDF, 275KB)
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations (2021-2022 version)
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations (2020-2021 version)
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations (2019-2020 version)
- Regulation 7 Assessment Regulations (2018-2019 version)
- Glossary of assessment codes on results letters
- Regulation 8 External Examiners of Taught Programmes 2024-25
- Regulation 8 External Examiners 2023-24 (PDF, 218KB)
- Regulation 8 External Examiners 2022-23 (PDF, 160KB)
- Regulation 8 External Examiners for Taught Programmes 2021-22 (PDF, 187KB)
- Regulation 8 External Examiners for Award-bearing Taught Programmes (2019-2020 version)
- Regulation 8 External Examiners for Taught Programmes 2018-19 (PDF, 79.8KB) (2018-2019 version)
- Regulation 9 Postgraduate Taught Awards 2024-25
- Regulation 10 Research Degrees 2023
- Regulation 12 Theses and dissertations lodged in the University Library
- Payment of tuition fees and sanctions for non-payment
- Regulation 15 Elections to the Council, to the Senate, and to the Faculty Boards
- Responsibilities and Functions of Deans of the Faculties (Rescinded March 2017)
- Regulation 17 Election, Responsibilities, Functions and Periods of Office of Chairpersons of the Faculties
- Regulation 19 Student Accommodation
- Regulation 20 Use of the Library
- Use of University Computing Facilities and the Campus Network
- Regulation 25 Sabbatical Leave for Officers of the University Union
- Regulation 26 Membership of the Council, the Senate and the Faculty Boards
- Regulation 29 Consultancies and other outside work undertaken for reward by members of the Academic Staff
- Regulation 30 Policy and Procedures for Sponsored Research, Patent Agreements and Testing (under review)
- Financial Regulations 2023-2025 (PDF, 0.6 MB)
- Financial Regulation 2021-2023
- Financial Regulations Communication Note
- Regulation 32 Student membership of Senate
- Health and Safety Regulations (internal users only)
- Students' Complaints or Grievances against members of Staff - this has been superseded by our Complaints Procedure for Students
- Regulation 35 Grant of the Title of Emeritus/Emerita Professor
- Regulation 37 Regulation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy by Published Work
- Appeals by students against an aspect of their academic assessment
- Exceptions from Fair and Reliable Assessment