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BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult)

Laura has wanted to be a nurse for years, but it was only in September 2021 that her dream started to become a reality.

At 37 years old and after 21 years of working in a cafe, Laura earned her place on the BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) course here at Bradford. Now things couldn’t be better for this nurse in training - especially as she’s on the course with her husband, Chris.

This is her story.

A student in a nursing uniform smiling at the camera

Dreams do come true

“When the children were little, it was quite difficult to think about a nursing career.”

"There were childcare costs that needed paying, and I couldn’t think about night shifts while looking after my three young kids.

"It was only in 2020, when the pandemic happened and my work at a local café stopped, that I got the push I needed to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse."

Making a difference

“I started with an Access to Health Professionals course.”

"It was quite intense over a year-long period, but I needed it to get on the nursing degree at the University of Bradford. There were a lot of assignments, and I did my Maths and English GCSE as well.

"At the same time, I got a job as a healthcare assistant at a care home in Keighley during the height of the pandemic. The residents couldn’t see their families and you were their everything. I felt like I was doing a really worthwhile job."

A student in a nursing uniform stood in front of a wave textured background. They are smiling at the camera.

The Bradford dream

“I was determined to get on the nursing course at the University of Bradford.”

"It’s got a great reputation and the campus is only 20 minutes from where I live. I got a lot of support from the recruitment and adult learner teams at the University, and had my interview in February 2021. Luckily, I made the grade and started on the nursing degree in September 2021.

"I spent the first eight weeks on campus for two days a week, going to lectures and taking part in peer assisted learning.

"My first placement at Airedale Hospital lasted eight weeks, where I took on a healthcare support worker role, helping with things like personal care and assisted feeding. Then I got to do more nursing jobs like observations and injections.

"You get to do two long placements like this every year on the course. I’ll do my second placement in May, within the Bradford District. I can’t wait."

I was able to get a good feel for the hospital ward environment and how staff on the ward operate. I saw a bit of everything, from hot and cold Covid wards, to surgery and medical.

A journey made together

“Me and my husband decided to be nurses at the same time.”

"We met in the café; he was the chef, I worked as a waitress. We got married and talked about going into nursing for years, but it was never the right time. It’s nice that we finally made the leap together and get to study together now, but we’re competitive! I like to get the best marks for assignments.”

A place for everyone

“At 37, I’m one of the first in my family to go to university.”

"I’m proud of that. I haven’t studied for 20 years so it’s all new to me, but I’m really enjoying it. I had friends who were nurses and I used to think 'I’d love to do that', and now, I am.

"There’s a great mix of people on the course. Some are the same age as me, some are older, some are fresh out of A levels. We’ve all made friends and went to the uni bar together on the first day after placement."

Two students in nursing uniform. They are both smiling at the camera

A career for life

“I really enjoy the hospital ward atmosphere.”

"My time on the course so far and my positive placement experience has absolutely confirmed that nursing is what I want to do. I love the satisfaction of seeing patients progress, and them leaving our care feeling better.

"I’m interested in exploring community nursing next. While it’s hard work, I know I’ll feel valued and rewarded as a nurse."

Interested in a career in nursing?