Academic qualities and regulations making the difference for our graduates
Learning, Teaching and Quality Enhancement
LTQE is the academic quality and educational development professional service of the University of Bradford.
LTQE are a flexibly working team with some members fully remote, some fully on-campus and most working blended according to commitments.
Contact us
Please direct enquiries to one of our shared email inboxes: Brad Fellows for queries about our accredited professional practice scheme, External Examiners for queries about working as an external with us, Quality for all other enquiries.
What LTQE is responsible for
- Aligning University of Bradford educational practice to the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework and the UK Professional Standards Framework.
- Coordinating the implementation of the University Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy.
- Engaging with the scholarship of practice and direct Higher Education policy for the benefit of staff and students.
- Working as a proactive, faculty-facing professional team with independent leadership and specialist expertise.
- Partnering with student voice, the wider sector and regulators to achieve these aims.
LTQE publish more information on these aims in the sections on this website and in more detail on our Intranet site (University login required).
The value of partnership with experts, examiners, and communities of practice
Recent funded projects for learning, teaching and student experience
Durable records of module syllabuses, outcomes and assessments
Our whole career framework for enhancing teaching and learning in HE
Durable records of programmed courses of study we offer each year
Guidance for recognition of your prior credited or experiential learning (RPL)
Roll of honour for our outstanding quality practitioners and teams