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Re-enrolment frequently asked questions

Support with re-enrolling

University of Bradford Student Contract

Current Home address

Your current home address shown here is the one you supplied at your enrolment and should show the place you live when you are not at university. You can update these details at any time in e:Vision and it is your responsibility to ensure these are accurate and up to date.  

Current Contact or Term Time address

The address you enter here should be where you are living when you are at university, please complete this ensuring you add the post code.   

Current Emergency contact details

This page shows the name and contact details of the person you would like us to contact on your behalf in case of an emergency. 

As part of our approach to support your safety and wellbeing, we ask all of our students to provide us with details of at least one person you would like us to contact in case of an emergency. These pages show the name and contact details of the people you would like us to contact on your behalf in case of an emergency. We will ask you to provide two emergency contacts just in case one of them is unavailable. 

Please provide one person on each page. 

Second Emergency contact details 

On this page you should enter the details of your second emergency contact.  

Further personal details

On this page we ask you to update your ethnicity, any disability you might have, your religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Multiple Disabilities 

This page will only show if you have indicated you have more than one disability, impairment or long term condition.

Updates to Qualifications

On this page you can tell us about any new qualifications you have gained outside of your current programme in the last academic year.  

Additional Questions 

Protected Characteristics 

On this page we ask you if you have ever been in care, are currently estranged from your parents, if you provide care to others, if you have parental or guardian responsibilities or if you have refugee or asylum seeker status.  

Voter registration 

This page will only show if you are eligible to vote. 

Declaration of Character and Fitness to Practise 

This page is only visible for students who complete DBS and occupational health checks as part of their programme requirements. Please indicate if you have any new information which has previously not been disclosed to the University. 

Health Studies Further Questions 

This page is only visible for students from the Faculty of Health  

Student (previously Tier 4) visa responsibilities 

This page is only visible to students with an overseas fee status  

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions information in the page also attend a mandatory Student Visa (previously Tier 4) Essentials session as part of your Welcome and Orientation programme.  

Fee Generation

Fees Overview

This page shows your fee charge, confirmation of any sponsor/Student Finance funding the University has received evidence for, any payments we have received, and the amount you need to pay. Please check the details and click continue. 

Please note: if you have any issues or queries you can continue with your re-enrolment while they are being resolved.  When you have completed your re-enrolment, you can log into e:Vision and click on the Finance tab to check when your account has been updated

Payment Options 

This page shows your fee balance and the payment options available to you, please select one and click continue.   

If you are using more than one payment option, please select the main one from the drop-down list and email to confirm how you will be funding your programme. 

Terms and conditions 

The terms and conditions for your chosen payment method will show on this page and the Composite Fee Liability policy.   

Please read these terms and conditions carefully and if you do not agree with these for the payment option you have chosen, please click ‘back’ and chose a different option. 

Pay via Flywire 

This screen will show the amount to pay to continue with your re-enrolment. 

Pay by FORM A Bank Transfer

You will need to initiate a payment via the FORM A (Trade Monitoring) process to choose this option as you will be required to provide evidence of your payment.

Pay using Student Finance / Student Awards Agency Scotland 

You can submit evidence you have an approved tuition fee loan from Student Finance/Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) using this page to the University. If you have not applied to Student Finance/SAAS for your funding, please click ‘back’ and select a different payment option. 

You will need to complete all the fields in pink, and upload either your funding notification, a screenshot from your online portal to show the status of your application or the most recent correspondence you have received from Student Finance/SAAS before you can continue your re-enrolment. 

Pay by US Federal Loan

Payment by a Sponsor 

Family members and/or friends will not be accepted as your sponsor for fee payment, but they can make payment on your behalf

You can submit your sponsorship information using this page to the University. You will need to complete all fields and upload your proof of your funding before you can continue to the next page of your enrolment. 

Financial Information complete 

This page is to confirm you have completed the Financial Information part of your re-enrolment. Once you have fully re-enrolled, your fees and funding information will be available on the Finance tab in your e:Vision account. 

Careers Questionnaire 

This page is only visible to undergraduate and postgraduate on-site students. 

Wellbeing Questionnaire

This page shows the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale which was funded by the Scottish Executive National Programme for improving mental health and well-being, commissioned by NHS Health Scotland, developed by the University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh, and is jointly owned by NHS Health Scotland, the University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh. 

Confirmation of re-enrolment

This is the last page of the re-enrolment screens that confirms your re-enrolment to your chosen programme. You must click the final button to complete this process. When you have completed a confirmation email will be sent to you.  

After completing re-enrolment