Module code: LAW7078-B
The aim of the module is to introduce students to the legal frameworks and principles for regulating FinTech and virtual Assets. The law in these areas is emerging and the students will be able to engage with ongoing legal developments, issues and debates. The module covers key areas of FinTech and Virtual Assets. This module is an important element of the LLM Technology and Artificial Intelligence Law programme because fintech and virtual assets are examples of industrial sectors where advanced innovative technologies are being used and legal responses are emerging; part of the LLM International Banking and Financial Technology Law programme, which covers regulation of one of the industries where fintech and virtual assets operate; part of the LLM International Corporate Law and Governance programme because fintech and virtual assets are used to facilitate corporate financial transactions; part of the LLM international Commercial Law, due to the fintech’s significance for transactions in electronic commerce covered by the programme; and part of the LLM International Legal Studies as one of the significant modern areas of legal study that students could explore. This module is also suitable for any other postgraduate programme where knowledge of the regulation of fintech and virtual assets can contribute to the achievement of the programme aims. Download the PDF for LAW7078-B_2024_5.pdf