Module code: ENG5060-B
The module is designed to build upon the stage 1 modules 'Design, Build and Test' and 'Computer Aided Engineering' to provide a more in-depth project based hands on experience for product design which integrates with other modules within the second year. The module has three key aims: 1. Provide practical experience of product design using functional component and assembly design through the application of appropriate computer aided design, analysis and simulation tools. 2. Develop skills in the selection and application of appropriate manufacturing technologies such as computer aided manufacture (CAM) and additive manufacturing including consideration of production tolerances. 3. Create awareness of the functionality of complementary technologies such as electronics for sensing and control, and computer interfaces with mechanical systems. 4. Develop personal and interpersonal skills in product, process or system design through industrially or research relevant projects. Download the PDF for ENG5060-B_2024_5.pdf