Professor Owen Greene

Professor of International Security and Development
Expertise: non-proliferation and disarmament, regional security, conflict prevention, climate change, ozone depletion, sea pollution, Europe, East Asia, West Africa, South Asia
Professor Greene is an internationally recognised expert on issues of conflict and security, and is in high demand as a consultant or special advisor for the UN, OSCE, EU, UK and many governments and multilateral policy negotiations and meetings on such issues.
Recent research and responsibilities have included Consultant to the UN, EU, and OSCE on small arms, leader of EU Council mission to Cambodia on co-operation in tackling small arms; Team leader for FCO scoping study on conflict prevention in the Western Balkans; Scoping Study on Security Sector reform in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Professor Greene has extensive and recent experience with conducting and overseeing projects relating to conflict and conflict prevention in West Africa, East Africa, Balkans, and South Asia as well as in Central and East Asia and Southern Africa.
He has directed and co-directed numerous research projects, and is the Director of the Consultancy contract on 'Conflict, Security and Development' (CSD), between the UK Department for International Development (DfID) and the University of Bradford's Centre for International Cooperation and Security, the major framework contract for providing DFID (and the other 'conflict prevention pool ministries - FCO and MoD) with expert advice and research consultancies on issues relating to conflict, security and development.
View all experts in: International affairs and security.