Campus secures Yorkshire in Bloom honour
The University of Bradford’s campus grounds have been recognised with a Yorkshire in Bloom award.

The gardening team secured the Silver Gilt award in Yorkshire in Bloom 2024’s Universities, Colleges and Further Education (FE) Establishments category, achieving the same prize last year. Silver Gilt is an extra class of medal between Gold and Silver.
The Yorkshire in Bloom judges, who visited campus in July, said: “It was clear that green space is a valued asset to the campus…and a commitment for the future.”
The judges were particularly impressed with the wild planting areas which increase biodiversity in an urban environment, and student involvement with allotments, the bee apiary and further planting.
Simon Padgett, Head Gardener at the University of Bradford, said: “It is a very proud achievement to receive the Silver Gilt award.
We will take their feedback on board and hopefully next year we will reach Gold
Yorkshire in Bloom is a charity which is the regional body representing Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Britain in Bloom, organising its campaign across North, South, East and West Yorkshire.
Yorkshire in Bloom holds annual competitions to encourage communities to make a positive and lasting improvement to their environment to benefit everyone. Judge’s marks are awarded in standards of Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver and Bronze.
The special categories that are judged during the summer months include business premises, visitor attractions, charities, caravan and camping sites, schools and further education establishments.
It is the latest honour for the grounds team after it retained the Green Flag Award, which the University of Bradford has secured each year since 2015. The University’s gardening team look forward to entering Yorkshire in Bloom in 2025.
Anyone who has any suggestions about the green space on campus, or is interested in volunteering, can email Simon Padgett at [email protected]