Bradford pilots in-lecture polling tech
University of Bradford lecturers are finding innovative ways to engage students, one of which involves setting interactive polls during lectures.

The technology - known as EchoPoll - is part of its Echo360 lecture capture system, which records and archives all lectures.
Data shows that last semester, 72% of students who had access to the archive rewatched lectures three times for an average of 12 minutes, compared to eight minutes nationally.
Erica Bellamy, Director of Digital Health & Social Care, advocates the use of EchoPoll to optimise learner engagement. She said: “We are using this technology to make lectures more engaging through what we call active learning. It means students aren’t just sat there passively listening to someone talk - instead, echoPolling encourages learners to think, discuss and investigate, so that they are actively brought into their learning experience.”
Dr Keren Bielby-Clarke, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Life Sciences, who uses Echo polling in her teaching, said she had noticed increased engagement in lectures.
She said: “It’s a much more inclusive approach. Some students do not want to put their hands up in lectures, so technology such as EchoPoll is perfect because it allows everyone to participate anonymously. It is much more engaging for students and the polls then lead to in-class discussions.”
Live AI translation
Not only does the Echo360 platform record and archive lectures and facilitate in-class polling, it also uses artificial intelligence to provide live translations, thereby helping students for whom English is a second language.
Richard Nelson, Senior Digital Learning Developer, said the system benefited both students and lecturers.
“We are using technology to enhance student learning. There are several benefits for students. It means those for whom English is a second language do not need to worry about being able to understand what is being said, particularly if a lecturer has a strong accent, because the AI creates live captions, and it learns as a it goes along.
“From a lecturer’s point of view, it means they get a chance to see what works and to tailor future sessions accordingly.”
Student experience
The Echo360 and EchoPoll form part of a suite of new technology being used to enhance the student experience at the University of Bradford. Other measures include:
Bradford becoming one of just 22 UK universities to be named an Adobe Creative Campus, offering all its students (and staff) premium access to Adobe Express to enhance their creative digital skills
A new 360° immersive learning space from iGloo that enables groups of students to step inside a virtual world created by floor-to-ceiling displays – Bradford is the only UK university to offer 360° immersivity with floor projection, creating an ultra-realistic experience
Midwives using augmented reality headsets to explore new ways of understanding and treating patients – Bradford is the only UK institution to offer high fidelity Augmented Reality Hysteroscopy training to enhance the training of advanced practitioners in detecting cancers, through its post-graduate programme in Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and Therapeutic Management
A new 4K 10m-wide screen in the University’s largest lecture theatre
Campus-wide investment in new audio-visual equipment to improve the student experience