Bradford named 8th for social inclusion in new university rankings
The University of Bradford has again been acknowledged as one of the most socially inclusive universities in the country.
The latest Times/Sunday Times University Rankings 2024 puts Bradford at 8th in the UK for social inclusion.
Bradford is also recognised as among the top 10 most successful at narrowing the black awarding gap and is placed third for first generation students, with two thirds of entrants being the first in their family to go to university.
The guide shows 80 per cent of graduates achieve “good honours” (Firsts or 2.1) and almost four in five graduates go on to highly skilled jobs or further study.
Business, Management & Marketing is the University’s most improved subject in the Rankings, which has risen by 18 places to 56th in the country.
Three programmes have been listed in the top 20 subject tables: Archaeology and Forensic Science, Physiotherapy and Radiology, which moved up from 19th in the 2023 rankings to 13th.
Overall, the University has dropped from 95th last year to 108th this year.
Paul Watson, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning, Teaching and Student Experience, said: “While obviously disappointed to have fallen in the overall rankings, as a university committed to social justice , we are delighted to be ranked 8th nationally for social inclusion, 7th for the Black achievement gap, and 3rd for first generation student. These results confirm that the University of Bradford is one of the UK’s leading institutions for creating opportunities, reversing inequalities, and transforming lives through high-quality education,’
Highly-skilled jobs
Earlier this month, the Daily Mail and Guardian newspapers published their university guides.
The first Daily Mail University Guide placed Bradford 49th out of 128 UK universities.
The university was ranked 3rd in the country for ‘First generation students’. It also performed well in ‘High-skilled jobs’ (32nd) and ‘First & 2.1 degrees’ (52nd).
In the Guardian University Guide 2024, Bradford remains 5th best in the UK for the Value-Added measure, which compares students’ degree results with their entry qualifications, to show how effectively they are taught.
The University has improved in the ranks for Spend per Student, which is now ranked 109th nationally compared to 114th last year, and Career Prospects, which has increased from 52nd place to 49th.
Two programmes have made it into the top 10: Children’s Nursing and Physiotherapy, both placed 7th in the country.
Five more subjects are placed in the top 20: Paramedic Science, Pharmacy & Pharmacology (both 11th), Mental Health Nursing (12th), Anthropology & Archaeology (15th) and Midwifery (17th).
Eight subjects have improved in the rankings: Chemistry, Midwifery, Nursing (general), Nursing (Children’s), Nursing (Mental Health), Social Work, Paramedic Science and Media & Film Studies, which showed the biggest leap, from 67th place to 32nd.
Overall, Bradford dropped from 80th in 2023 to 90th in 2024.