Should we be giving aid?
Recently the UK joined the relatively small number of countries that meet the UN target for developed countries to give 0.7% of GDP in aid. This policy is officially supported by all three main parties although a significant proportion of Conservative MPs disagree with it.
UKIP has argued that the foreign aid budget should be cut substantially while the Green Party have argued to increase aid. This lecture will ask whether we should give aid and if so why? This lecture will examine the relative importance and effectiveness of aid and its future role.
These public lectures consider some of the key election issues for the people of Bradford, the UK and the wider world, with analyses of social policy, economics, foreign policy, austerity and poverty.
Dr David Potts
Head, Bradford Centre for International Development
David Potts is an economist specialising in project appraisal with experience of working in a number of developing countries including six years in Tanzania.