Peace Studies Publishes 2014/15 Annual Report
The Division of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford has launched the Peace and Conflict Research Annual Report 2014/15, which celebrates the historic event of the 40th anniversary of Peace Studies. The Department of Peace Studies is globally recognised as the leading academic centre of excellence for Peace and Conflict Research.
This international and national recognition was demonstrated in its outstanding performance in the UK-wide 2014 Research. Excellence Framework (REF) and was ranked 7th nationally for impact and 15th position out of 56 universities nationwide for research environment.
2014/15 academic year has been a landmark in Peace Studies, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the School of Peace Studies with memorable activities such as the 40th anniversary International Conference in May 2014 attended by 27 countries; the 40th anniversary regional conferences in Africa (Uganda) in November 2014 and in Asia (Japan) in March 2015 and the planting of the PeacePole, the first ever on any UK University campus.
In addition, the teaching, research and knowledge transfer work of Peace Studies and the expertise of the staff are constantly in demand by global governance institutions such as the UN and its specialised agencies; World Bank; leading intergovernmental organisations like the EU and the Africa Union and major development co-operation partners and donor agencies working in the Global South countries. We are proud of the work and impact of Peace Studies globally and, in particular, graduates from Peace Studies are now working across the globe, using their knowledge and skills to help solve some of the perennial problems of poverty, social exclusion, underdevelopment, climate change, wars and armed conflicts, security, terrorism and peacebuilding. Peace Studies is recognised and supported across the University as one of the key areas of strengths of the University. The Department is strategically placed to make a significant contribution to the growth and delivery of the Faculty of Social Sciences 10 Year Development Plan in the areas of teaching innovation, increase in students recruitment and enhancing students experience, research income generation, staff development and internationalisation.
You can download the Annual Report by clicking the link below.