News from 2013
Professor Jenny Pearce - Colombian Peace Process
Professor Jenny Pearce has given three presentations on the Colombian Peace Process between January and April 2013.
Professor Jenny Pearce - Welsh Peace Academy
From Bradford to World Social Work Day at Westminster
Kate Karban from the Division of Social Work and Social Care, and Kelly Pleasants, a year one student on the BA Social Work, attended an event to celebrate World Social Work Day at Westminster. Kate made a brief presentation on the impact of social, economic and health inequalities and the ways in which social workers can address these issues in their practice.
New offering from the Social Work Placement Team
Hot off the press : Co-authored by Angie Sheard (placement team) and Julie Adams guide to 'Positive Social Work' The Essential Toolkit for NQSW's is a practical, step-by-step guide to the first year in practice.