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Faculty of Management, Law & Social Sciences

Omogolo Taunyane

Academic Background: BA majoring in Media & Writing, Gender Studies, English Language & Literature, 2011, University of Cape Town.

Areas of Interest: Gender-based violence, social justice, intersectional feminism, politics, sustainable development, conflict resolution, institutional resilience

Languages Spoken: SeTswana, English, SeSotho, isiXhosa.

Omogolo is the Founder & Executive Director of GBV Monitor South Africa, an NPO focused on research, tracking and tracing GBV cases, and systemic evaluation of the rural criminal justice system. The organisation has developed an Online GBV Tracker, which is South Africa's first platform dedicated to GBV reportage and monitoring. 

She's an astute media professional, serving the country as a political communicator and media practitioner at eNews Channel Africa (eNCA), Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Talk Radio 702, GBVF Presidential Response Fund, and local government institutions. 

Omogolo elevated gender justice as a public service mandate during her tenure as Spokesperson and Director of Public Affairs at the City of Tshwane Mayor's Office. She initiated and led the City of Tshwane's 365 Day Gender Action Plan, hosted the inaugural Night Vigil against GBV, and the inaugural Men's Dialogue in collaboration with civil society organisations. 

Currently, she's a Regional Communications Lead at Gender Responsive Resilience & Intersectionality in Policy & Practice (GRRIPP Africa). This role entails using her knowledge and expertise to support NGOs in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, and South Sudan.

Her thought leadership is published on various media platforms such as City Press, Sowetan, Al-Jazeera, BBC, and Sky News. 

Omogolo Taunyane-Mngini

Omogolo Taunyane