Laureano Rodriguez Di Santo
Laureano Rodriguez Di Santo is from Argentina. He has extensive experience in human rights and refugee protection.
About Laureano
Academic background
Bachelor of Law with a specialisation in International Public Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Areas of interest
Forced displacement, conflict resolution, international and refugee protection, human rights law, and humanitarian crisis.
Languages spoken
Spanish, English.

Laureano Rodriguez Di Santo
Laureano's story
Throughout his career, Laureano has demonstrated a strong interest in forced displacement. After earning his law degree, he remained involved with the University of Buenos Aires as a Teaching Assistant and Junior Lecturer in International Public Law and International Refugee Law.
Laureano's professional journey in human rights and refugee protection began in 2019 when he was selected as Refugee Status Determination (RSD) Assistant at UNHCR Argentina and worked at the National Commission of Refugees (CONARE). In this role, he interviewed asylum seekers and assessed their eligibility for refugee status in Argentina, helping hundreds of Venezuelan refugees find relief and protection.
In 2021, Laureano advanced to the role of Protection Associate at UNHCR MCO Buenos Aires, where he provided strategic support to the Protection Unit. His work focused on monitoring and managing cases requiring special attention. He also liaised with government authorities and UNHCR partners, providing guidance on access to territory, promoting family reunifications, and drafting recommendations and comments to the Human Rights System and Treaty Bodies.
In 2022 Laureano moved to Costa Rica, where he joined the UNHCR Costa Rica operation as a Resettlement Expert with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC). He later served as an Associate Resettlement and Complementary Pathways Officer, supporting the operation in a more strategic role as part of the Safe Mobility Program (SMO).
With extensive experience in ensuring the effective implementation of international safeguards, Laureano is committed to helping refugees around the world.