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School of Management
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Bright Building during the summer.

MBA Summit

In May 2024, the University of Bradford School of Management delivered the second iteration of its MBA Summit.

The MBA Summit provided current students, alumni and business leaders with the opportunity to join us in our home city of Bradford. It focused on providing networking opportunities for our MBA and wider network and helped to develop professional connections with global peers and academics.

Through a free range of talks and activities, attendees benefited from a programme of sessions focused on continued professional development, speakers and guests explored the latest developments in leadership and management with a focus on a range of topics including legacy, innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability and career development.

What is your legacy?

As the School of Management celebrates our 60th Anniversary this year's MBA Summit's theme was Legacy: Reflections and Aspirations.

Throughout the programme our speakers discussed the legacies they have built throughout their careers and the impact they have made on wider society. Participants reflected on the achievements they had already attained in their careers and their aspirations for the future.

Over the course of the summit, speakers covered topics such as personal branding, the future of business and entrepreneurship in the modern age.

Photo of School of Management with 60th Anniversary banner behind landscape in 2023

School of Management, 60th Anniversary Banner on Bright Building

The MBA Summit is great, it's good to have an occasion to meet, see the school, see the buildings and see how it is here in Bradford. It creates a strong feeling of being part of something.

Tomasso Sica, MBA Innovation, Enterprise & Circular Economy Student


This schedule highlights the agenda and topics from the MBA Summit in 2024. You can now watch back most of the sessions on the MBA Summit 2024 YouTube Playlist.

Careers Clinic

Access individual sessions with our expert careers advisors, helping you to make the next move up the career ladder. Email [email protected] to book a consultation with our expert MBA careers advisor, Beverley Thomas.

New MBA Developments Launch

Watch the launch of the updated MBA with Nick Snowden & Suzanne Smit to understand the opportunities and implications for students and alumni.

Legacy, Reflections & Aspirations

Engobo Emeseh led a look back at the legacy of MBA alumni and contemplated the aspirations attendees had for the future with a focus on "doing well by doing good".

What you need to know about AI but dare not ask

Kamran Mahroof explored the implications for organisations of AI as a business issue, the opportunities, and threats, it poses and what we should do about them.

Entrepreneurial Mindset in Practice

Paul Thorning, director of Bradford-Renduchintala Enterprise Ecosystem (BREE), provided insight into what it takes to become an entrepreneur.

Innovation in the Public Sector breakout session

Watch to see Ian Adams lead a breakout session reflecting on the importance of creativity and innovation in organisations not intended to be motivated by profit.

Unlocking Excellence breakout session

Mohamed Amin Mohammed explored the Science of Continuous Improvement and the process of asking the right questions to unlock the right actions.

Panel Discussion on Making an Impact

Suzanne Smit led a panel discussion in which attendees heard stories from our guest speakers on how they have made an impact in their chosen fields.

Innovating Start-ups

Imad Faghmous discussed the birth, growth and future of his highly successful start-up, Inovia Bio Limited, and his use of AI for business development.

In Conversation: Sustainably supercharge your career

Mart Postma led a conversation about the truths and myths around progressing up the corporate ladder.

Memories with meaning - cementing your legacy

Merel Olgers explored what it takes to cement your legacy in an era of influencers, fake news and AI and how to measure value beyond traditional measures of success.

MBA Summit Location

The MBA Summit is held on the University of Bradford City Campus. The School of Management is now located at Bright Building on the City Campus and sessions were delivered in the Great Hall and Small Hall in Richmond Building.

Find more information about visiting our campus.