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University Collection

This fast-growing, artificial collection was created to house published material relating to the history of the University of Bradford. It complements our extensive University Archive and other collections concerning our history. Its contents include:

History of the University

Two important volumes by Robert McKinlay: The University of Bradford: origins and development 1825-1966 (primrose cover) and The University of Bradford: the early years 1966-mid 1990s (chestnut brown cover). McKinlay was Vice-Principal of Bradford Institute of Technology, then Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University, so was ideally placed to write these definitive histories.

Javelin and the later Student Newspapers are essential for understanding student life, not to mention the social, cultural and political history of Bradford and the development of higher education.

The collection contains other essential texts for understanding the University's development, such as University status for Bradford Technical College / by the Lord Mayor of Bradford. We aim to collect all such material.

University publications

Bradford University Press was founded in 1969. It was most active in the mid 1970s, falling victim to the serious financial cuts of the early 1980s. The imprint was used later for a few books published under the auspices of Bradford University Research Limited, the last of which appeared in 1991. We aim to have copies of everything this body published.

The University has published many other books and papers, reflecting the interests of academic staff and the activities of the University. These include conference papers on subjects including emergency planning, braking of road vehicles, lamp research, and archaeological sciences. Two important series are the Peace Studies papers and the inaugural lectures given by new professors. We aim to have copies of all University publications, though we cannot claim to have everything.

University authors and subjects

This collection also houses books by or about University members of staff published by other publishers. Chancellors and honorary graduates count, for example, Harold Wilson, our first Chancellor, and Barbara Castle, an honorary graduate. The Collection is strongest in subjects where we have other Special Collections, such as peace studies, though we try to sample at least the work of academics in other areas.