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Student Newspapers

Our collection of newspapers published by the University of Bradford Students' Union are an essential resource for anyone interested in the past life of the University or in the history of higher education.  Discover student life, politics, gigs at the Union or outside, news, views, sport, culture, advertisements and much more.

Javelin 1964-1981

A key source for student life in Bradford from 1964 to 1981, containing articles, letters, interviews, etc. on music, theatre, sport, politics (Fascism, the New Left, apartheid in South Africa, Israel/Palestine, freedom of speech, the Gay Liberation Front, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, feminism, internment in Northern Ireland), education (grants, the nature of 'Peace Studies') and social and religious issues (racism, contraception, striptease, drugs, housing, the Christian Union).

Catalogue record for Javelin

Fleece 1981-1988

A key source for student life in Bradford from 1981 to 1988, containing articles, letters, interviews on music, theatre, sport, politics and social and religious issues, notably the Honeyford affair of 1984 (controversy over multiculturalism and education).

Catalogue record for Fleece

Shep 1988-1990

An important source for student life in Bradford from late 1988 to early 1990, containing articles, letters, interviews on music, theatre, sport, politics and social and legal issues.

Catalogue record for Shep

Scrapie 1990-2005

A key source for student life at the University of Bradford 1990-2005 containing articles, letters, interviews, etc. on music, theatre, comedy sport, politics (The Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa against Salman Rushdie, the first Gulf War), education and social, religious and health issues (racism, drugs, housing, contraception, gender and sexuality)

Catalogue record for Scrapie