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Records of the Bradford Nuclear Disarmament Group

Archive reference: Cwl BNDG

One of several Commonweal Archives documenting peace campaigning in Bradford in the 1980s.

The Group was founded circa 1980 and continued until at least 1987. Its activities included demonstrations, trips to Greenham Common, Molesworth and other peace camps and protests, public meetings, leaflet distribution, and peace education.

The Archive currently comprises a minute book of business meetings 1981-1985, photograph album of images from a CND demonstration in London in the early 1980s, and accounts and correspondence 1980-1982.

The Archive was catalogued as part of the PaxCat Project, with support from the National Cataloguing Grants Programme for Archives.

Records of BNDG collection description

Collection description of the Records of Bradford Nuclear Disarmament Group

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