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Papers of Professor M.R. Pollock on the Teach-In on Chemical and Biological Warfare

Archive reference: CBW

The Teach-In

Professor Martin Rivers Pollock was a member of academic staff at Edinburgh University. He organised a Teach-In there, on Chemical and Biological Warfare, taking place in George Square Theatre, 4pm-midnight 24 January 1969. Introduced by Lord Ritchie-Calder, speakers included academics, journalists and politicians. The event was split into four sections: 1) Facts, 2) Ethics, 3) Practical measures and 4) General discussion.

The Archive

Most of this archive relates to the Teach-In, including correspondence with speakers, transcripts of talks, and evidence of the event's impact. There are two extra files on Professor Pollock's wider involvement in campaigning, mainly concerning the war in Vietnam. The catalogue of the archive is published as part of our First Sort programme which aims to put basic information about new archives into the public domain as quickly as possible. We will refine and enrich it in response to user demand when possible.

Catalogue of Papers of MR Pollock on CBW Teach-in

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