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EndNote and 360 Link

You will need to be using EndNote version 7 or later for 360 Link linking to work. Please check with IT Services if you are unsure which version you are currently using.

360 Link is a software 'bridge' that can link EndNote references to the full text of journal articles and also to items on the Library Catalogue.

Setting up EndNote to work with 360 Link

  1. In EndNote, choose Edit and then Preferences.
  2. Choose OpenURL.
  3. Choose Find Full Text.
  4. In the OpenURL Path box type:
  5. Choose ok.
  6. You are now ready to start using 360 Link and EndNote together.

How to link from EndNote to 360 Link

  1. In your EndNote Library, choose the reference you want to link to.
  2. Highlight any field in the reference, e.g., the title field.
  3. From the References menu choose URL then OpenURL Link.
  4. Your browser will open with a 360 Link page showing links to full-text or print copies of the referenced item.

Need help with this resource?

For further help and information please contact your subject librarian.