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Faculty of Management, Law & Social Sciences

Call for Papers 

The conference sets out to address the following questions:

  1. What are the implications of a just transition in a post- oil future?
  2. How can just transition address the four-fold challenge of climate change, social inclusion, inequalities and access to environmental justice?
  3. Are current international, regional, and national policies and frameworks effective for implementing and promoting just transition strategies?
  4. What are the implications for rural and urban communities, industries and workers in switching from a fossil-fuel dependent economy to a low-carbon economy?
  5. To what extent are national policies and frameworks adequate for ensuring just transition, and advancing access to justice?
  6. How may critical dialogue between government, communities, and civil society be facilitated to strengthen participatory governance frameworks for effective social inclusion, reduced inequalities and access to environmental justice?

The two main expected outputs from the conference are:

  1. a communique and guidance documents outlining strategies for implementing just transition and advancing access to environmental justice in a post-oil future, addressed to governments and other stakeholders in the oil and gas, energy and climate governance sectors.
  2. an edited peer-reviewed book of more in-depth contributions by the expert presenters on the conference themes that will be an authoritative and comprehensive resource on international, regional and national perspectives on just transition and environmental justice in a post-oil future.

We invite papers and posters that address any of the conference sub-themes or other topics that are relevant for the conference theme of “Just Transition and Environmental Justice: Principles, Practice and Implementation Strategies for a Post-Oil Future”. Please submit your abstract by 8 June 2023, using the link provided on the Conference website:

Best Paper Prize for PhD Students

PhD students are invited to submit their papers for consideration for the Best Paper Prize. The paper can be either single authored or co-authored. In the case of a co-authored paper, all the authors must be Doctoral students. The paper should include details of the contributions which each co-author has made to the research process, where applicable.