Early Career Researchers Forum
The ECRF forum was created with the aim to support the next generation of researchers in the faculty. The forum aims to help young academics and researchers interact with other early career researchers from the faculty and nourished new professional networks that may generate future innovative research ideas.
The ECR Forum is pioneered by the ADRKT and the faculty RKT BDM who take a lead in defining and developing workshops and monthly meetings, but also tailored to the ECRs needs and requests. These meetings give ECRs the opportunity to present on their core research areas, their expertise, and the kind of collaborations they would be interested in. During this meetings and workshops, build based on the ECRs needs for training, the ECRS are supported and influenced by ideas from their peers.
Our ECRF meetings this year increased the group awareness on IP, how to start writing a grant, how to make connections with industry.

Stay connected
A Microsoft Teams group keeps conversations going between meetings, enabling researchers to share information about possible research proposals collaborations, papers, conferences, etc.
ECRF meetings
We launched the ECRF to foster the professional development of tomorrow’s research professionals. Since then, the forum meets monthly to share their research interests, to support each other and to learn new skills.
ECRF agenda
ECRF Agenda archive 2020
ECRF Agenda January 2020 (PDF, 134.4kB)
ECRF Agenda February 2020 (PDF, 134.4kB)
ECRF Agenda April 2020 (PDF, 132.7kB)
ECRF Agenda May 2020 (PDF, 254.9kB)
ECRF Agenda June 2020 (PDF, 254.8kB)
ECRF Agenda July 2020 (PDF, 254.2kB)
ECRF Agenda August 2020 (PDF, 253.8kB)
ECRF Agenda September 2020 (PDF, 133.6kB)
ECRF Agenda October (PDF, 133.4kB)