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Centre for Space AI

Marco Lisi

Dr. Ing. Marco Lisi was Special Advisor in the Navigation Directorate and also supported the Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency (GSA) as Chief Technical Advisor in the European Space Agency until he retired in 2019.

In October 2012, he was appointed Special Advisor of the European Commission on European space policies and he served in this position until October 2014, supporting the Vice-President of the European Commission.

He received a “summa cum laude” “Dottore Ingegnere” degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Roma in 1980 and an Executive MBA diploma at the IRI Management School in 2000.

He has been working for more than forty years in the aerospace, defense, and telecommunications sectors, covering managerial positions in R&D, engineering, and programs, both in industry and in institutional organizations. 

Marco Lisi

Marco Lisi, Visiting Professor (Satellite Navigation)

His main areas of expertise are systems engineering, project management, space systems, GNSS, telecommunications, security, operations, integrated logistics support.

His professional affiliations include being Life Senior Member of IEEE (“Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers”) and of AIAA (“American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics”), and Professional Member of ION (“Institute of Navigations). He is also Fellow Member of the British Interplanetary Society, Associate Fellow of RIN (“Royal Institute of Navigation”), and “Honorary Life President” of the Italian chapter of INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering”), that he founded in 2008.

In 2019 he was nominated Adjunct Professor at the “Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña” (UNPHU) of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and he teaches regular courses at various university programs, in Italy, Bulgaria, and Russian Federation.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of several international journals on satellite communications, remote sensing, and navigation, also serving as member of Technical Committees and International Advisory Boards, and as chairman or session chairman of several international conferences organized by IEEE and AIAA.

Marco holds five international patents and authored more than two hundred and fifty journal and conference papers. He also contributes to professional magazines with essays on management, social and economic topics.

He is currently an independent consultant to different companies on various projects.

Marco has enthusiastically supported the development of the MSc in Satellite Systems Engineering programme since February 2021 and will be a module tutor on Navigation Satellite Systems module. He is currently establishing collaboration with the R&D department of Ublox – a manufacturer of various chips and modules, including GNSS – associated with the programme from delivering guest lectures to donation of evaluation model of their GNSS monitoring station as teaching tools for the programme.

Marco will lead and deliver the Navigation Satellite Systems module in the MSc Satellite Systems Engineering programme.