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Practitioners with a Special Interest - Gynaecology

Postgraduate Diploma

Start date

Suitable for applications.

Entry requirements

Students must be a suitably qualified registered primary or secondary care practitioner, demonstrating successful study skills at level 6, with at least two years relevant work experience.

Students must obtain support from an NHS hospital trust consultant or Advanced Clinician (GMC Registered), in their Specialty for mentorship and the provision of a clinical attachment.

Students must produce evidence of relevant registered qualification, currency and academic qualifications.

Teaching, learning and assessment

A variety of teaching methods are employed in the programme to enable students to fulfil the varied modular learning outcomes.

Face-to-face tuition: this occurs at the beginning of each module in Bradford.  Tutors are available by email if required during placement periods to handle learning queries.  Tutors are clinical practitioners (consultant specialists and PwSIs).

Work-based learning: this forms the central part of the programme of study, in the form of clinical placements – each six month module should contain at least 14 weeks of hands-on practical study in a secondary care environment.  This learning is undertaken on placement in the locality, under the supervision of a clinical mentor. Students approach the mentor in the first instance: they must be a GMC registered consultant/Advanced clinician in whose name appears on a national register of practitioners, and who has teaching experience. The clinical mentor will receive a specific Mentor Guide including advice and support from the course management team in fulfilling the role of mentor.  

Guided reading (given by tutor and mentor): this complements the placement and enables you to fulfil the theoretical background necessary for your placement activities, and prepares you for your written and presentational assignments.  e-learning: the virtual learning environment gives access to the peer group and tutors during placement, facilitating learning through clinical discussion, as well as providing support.

Local research and application: The Applied Methodology module involves working within the healthcare community to apply 3 different methodologies; learning takes place during the activities of researching and reading information, planning, preparation and application of these.

Assessment is designed to enable you to have a rounded measurement of the skills needed for your role in the healthcare community. Clinical competence is verified through mentor signature after observation (by mentor and where appropriate other relevant clinical professionals) and discussion during the placement periods.

The issues of ethics and informed consent are an integrated part of the students’ daily practice, and it is implicit in all the modules that there is conformity to the usual standards and guidelines in these areas.

Optionality is available to students studying for the Certificate in their choice of modules.  It is available to students studying for the Diploma in the choice of cases for the written reflective studies and the presentations.

Each module has a number of set learning outcomes, and it is up to you, together with your self-identified local clinical mentor, to identify your learning needs and generate the training plan to fulfil these learning outcomes. You will have a teaching day on the clinical content of each module, after which you will attend at least 14 sessions in suitable clinics of your choice over a period of 6 months (clinical attachment). At the end of this period you will have to demonstrate your competency in managing patients, and an ability to critically reflect on your own practice.

About The Ridge Training Ltd.

The PwSI Programmes are delivered at the premises of The Ridge Medical Practice, in Bradford.  The programme director is Dr Chris Harris; born and bred in Bradford, he has been involved with the courses since their inception in 2003. He is a Senior Partner at The Ridge, a PwSI and he has a clinical leadership role at Bradford CCG.

In his PwSI role, Dr Harris leads a team of enthusiastic and highly specialised clinical tutors who are passionate about delivering the Programmes to a high standard and who are dedicated to creating an excellent student experience. We currently have 22 tutors; practising advanced clinicians and service improvement specialists.

As the programme tutors are employed within the specialist sectors that they teach on, they are able to ensure that the contents of the programmes are clinically sound, contemporaneous and appropriate to the changing workforce within the NHS. Students are provided with high quality work-based learning through their relationship with their clinical mentor within an attachment for each clinical module. In addition to the clinical tutors, subject specialists are invited to provide complementary and additional teaching on the Programmes e.g. Physiotherapists on the MSK programme, ECG specialist on the Cardiology programme.

Gynaecology clinical tutors

  • Dr Virginia Beckett
  • Dr Sarah Elton
  • Dr Samantha Crowther
  • Dr Clare Spencer
  • Dr Amy Tatham

Applied Methodology (non-clinical module) tutors

  • Jody Nichols-Hughes
  • Kate MacKay

Terms and conditions of study

The University has a set of terms and conditions for all students accepting an offer to study on a course here at Bradford. This is called The Student Contract. This document sets out the Terms and Conditions which apply when you accept an offer of a place on a programme of study at the University of Bradford.

View our Student Contract for further details.

Transparency statement

Information about this programme and its modules has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publication, but changes may occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of teaching. Any change which impacts the terms and conditions of an applicant’s offer will be communicated to them.