Peace, Conflict and Development
- Duration
- Start date
- Location
Suitable for applications.
I am really enjoying the high-quality lectures - the professors have huge knowledge and the learning materials are very sophisticated. But the course is not only about 'sit-down-and-listen' lectures, it's also about discussion with real voices and real experiences.
Placement Year
You can choose to include an internship as part of your course, in which case you will study over 15 months rather than a year. To do this, you should initially register for the one-year programme and then transfer to the 15 month programme when you have secured a placement, any time up until the middle of Semester 2.
The internship / placement further enhances the development of professional experience and practical skills during your Masters programme, integrating practitioner community engagement with your academic studies.
This element is student-centred and student-led, and therefore the initiative for identifying and applying for internships is driven by you. Academic staff can facilitate and support the identification of suitable opportunities with leads and suggestions, help with the writing of applications, and provide supporting letters of reference. They provide customised preparatory training before, and mentoring support during, the placement or internship.
The internship / placement can be taken with an organisation anywhere in the world. You'll need to detail your proposed activities and receive approval before the opportunity is finalised.
Once the internship / placement is complete you'll return to the programme, submit a completion report summarising key learning points, and then undertake your Masters dissertation. Students often use their placement period and experience to inform and shape their dissertation.
Teaching, learning and assessment
The programme will deploy a wide range of teaching, learning and assessment methods to enable you to understand and develop skills for engagement and employment with important policy and practitioner communities (International organisations, governments, NGOs, business associations, etc).
You'll have opportunities to engage through simulation exercises and training workshops, as well as facilitated contacts with practitioners.
Terms and conditions of study
The University has a set of terms and conditions for all students accepting an offer to study on a course here at Bradford. This is called The Student Contract. This document sets out the Terms and Conditions which apply when you accept an offer of a place on a programme of study at the University of Bradford.
View our Student Contract for further details.
Transparency statement
Information about this programme and its modules has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publication, but changes may occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of teaching. Any change which impacts the terms and conditions of an applicant’s offer will be communicated to them.