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Advanced Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Start date

Suitable for applications.

Entry requirements

We specifically require that applicants to MSc Advanced Chemical and Petroleum Engineering who hold a Chemical Engineering undergraduate degree (e.g., Bachelor with Honours) do so with a 2:2 (lower second) classification or above or equivalent bachelor's degree in chemical engineering.

Those applicants seeking to use this MSc, accredited by the IChemE base requirements for chartership must also have an appropriate UG accredited degree.

Applicants without Chemical Engineering (who do not fulfil the normal entry requirements) will need EITHER a 2:1 (upper second) classified undergraduate degree in Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Food, Energy, Water or Nuclear engineering, or Applied Chemistry or Physics or equivalent OR have extensive industrial experience (at least 5 years) in the Chemical, Food, Pharmaceutical, Water, Energy, Nuclear, or Petroleum industries are considered on an individual basis.

For students from a non-chemical engineering background, module CPE7014-B Process Design must be selected.

English language requirements

IELTS at 6.0 or the equivalent

Teaching, learning and assessment

The teaching and learning strategies take into consideration the learning outcomes, the nature of the subject and the student intake, and the need for students to take greater responsibility for their own learning as they progress through the programme.

We want students to become great engineers; that means great analysts and great teamworkers with an inquisitive and curious mind. This should mean that by the end of their study with us they can move seamlessly into the world of work, academic research or become an entrepreneur.

The teaching and learning methods have been selected to engage students in developing their knowledge and understanding of engineering fundamentals, chemical engineering through formal learning opportunities such as lectures and tutorials, experiential learning through practical classes and lab sessions and informal and social learning through teamworking in projects and competitions.

Study with us will include formal lectures (including those from visiting lecturers and invited speakers), but these will always be interactive and two way. We want to develop students understanding of the vast array of opportunities open to today’s professional engineer and therefore we look to incorporate aspects of real-world engineering problems and solutions where possible. To this end we make use of case studies, practical demonstrations, and provide lots of opportunities for students to design their own solutions.

As part of our focus on building a learning experience which will prepare students for the world of work our curriculum has been developed using the Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) framework. This means that our learning strategy will be to encourage students to work in teams to Conceive potential solutions, Design new products processes or services, Implement (or model) and test those designs, and Operate the product or solution. In line with the CDIO philosophy students will have numerous opportunities to be an active learner, to work as an engineer on real-world projects. Students will operate analytical instruments, under supervision, from Semester 2 during the initial phase of their research project.

The University of Bradford is well known for attracting students from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences and countries and the students benefit greatly from this diversity. The University of Bradford encourages and supports women in engineering. The University of Bradford’s modus operandi, Making Knowledge Work, is embedded in the philosophy of this programme.

Study support

We have a commitment to strong pastoral care for all of our students, which includes a Personal Tutor for all students, regular contact hours for tutor groups and our supportive student service teams who are always ready to help with any questions and provide the advice that you need.

In addition to standard study support through taught sessions, our Virtual Learning Environment allows students to access resources, participate in group work and submit work from anywhere in the world 24/7.

University central services are rich with support teams to assist students with every aspect of their journey through our degree programmes. From our Career and Employability Service, through our strong Students' Union, to our professional and efficient Student Finance team, there are always friendly faces ready to support you and provide you with the answers that you need.


Internationally acclaimed research activities in the following areas:

  • Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering
  • Polymers
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Pharmaceutical engineering
  • Coating and advanced materials engineering

Terms and conditions of study

The University has a set of terms and conditions for all students accepting an offer to study on a course here at Bradford. This is called The Student Contract. This document sets out the Terms and Conditions which apply when you accept an offer of a place on a programme of study at the University of Bradford.

View our Student Contract for further details.

Transparency statement

Information about this programme and its modules has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publication, but changes may occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of teaching. Any change which impacts the terms and conditions of an applicant’s offer will be communicated to them.