Josephat Obura Sande
I am Josephat Obura Sande, and I am studying for an MA in Peace, Conflict and Development at the University of Bradford.
I graduated from the University of Nairobi in Kenya in 2007, with a bachelor’s degree in Education. I was employed as a high school teacher in 2008. I diligently carried out my duties, rising to the position of head of department.
In 2008, I witnessed firsthand the horrors of post-election violence, and the bloodbath that went on for two months. The insecurity brought poverty, as a lot of property and wealth was destroyed. My country Kenya, was on the brink of a civil war. It is the experience of such chaos coupled with the desire to pursue a career in peace and development that motivated me to look for a university that offers world class education. I found Bradford to be the ideal university in peace studies.
My dream of studying in the UK was made possible by receiving a Chevening Scholarship. I am grateful to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and I look forward to a sensational year ahead.