How the Graduate Workforce project supports employers
Finding the right graduate to support your business
The University of Bradford's students successfully graduate from a range of degree areas including management, law and social sciences, engineering, informatics, life sciences and health studies providing graduates with the high level knowledge and skills to undertake many roles in your organisation. Graduates and students also benefit from a range of opportunities to develop strong employability capabilities enabling them to quickly adapt to the workplace.
75% of its graduates are from the Yorkshire and Humber region, with 45% from the Bradford District who are interested in staying local to access employment and develop their careers. Consequently, they are committed to supporting the local economy and our public services for the benefit and growth of our local communities and environment.
GWB is working to support local graduates into jobs, focusing on areas of employment growth and skills needs across the Yorkshire and Humber region, including:
- Manufacturing and engineering
- Health and social care
- Public services, including teaching, social work and the police service
However, we are keen to engage with businesses regardless of sector to support you in developing a diverse and high skilled workforce.
We can support you to:
- Recruit a talented graduate who will add value to your business
- Develop diversity in your workforce and an inclusive workplace culture

Bradford Graduate talent contributing to your business success
In addition to strong job specific, high level, graduate skills and knowledge, transferable employability capabilities, and a commitment to the Bradford District, our graduates will bring added value through:
New perspectives:
Graduates are an excellent source of new ideas and solutions. Drawing on up-to-date academic thinking they will be in tune with current trends and new ways of working.
Graduates are driven to get the job done and prove they can do it well. They bring a diversity of ideas and new life to a team.
Return on investment:
Hiring a graduate can help your business grow. Research indicates they contribute approximately £1 billion to added value to the UK economy on an annual basis.
Willingness to learn:
Graduates have enquiring minds and are fast learners. They will quickly acclimatise to your environment and help your business grow.
Energy and enthusiasm:
Graduates can bring energy and enthusiasm to the workplace. They are willing to work flexibility and adapt to new working environments.
Tapping into graduate talent
The University of Bradford’s Employer Placement Services Team (EPST) can help you to access our talented graduates to support your organisation’s needs through:
Our dedicated team provides personalised advice and support for employers to help you fill your vacancies with the right person for the job. This includes:
- Tailoring job descriptions to appeal to the graduate job market
- Advice on where to advertise to attract our graduates
- Advertising your vacancies, at no charge, on our University jobs board
- Matching and referring our graduates to you and your vacancies
- Careers fairs and networking opportunities to enable you to promote your business, vacancies and connect directly with our students and graduates
These internship opportunities are for recent graduates and provide an opportunity for employers to work with a graduate with a view to longer term employment.
Working with our current students, this programme provides short-term work placement opportunities during the summer vacation.
Supporting your diversity ambitions - Inclusive Employers
Diverse workforces are not just a nice to have, they are central to innovation, business growth and competitive advantage. Benefits include accessing the best people by recruiting from a broader talent pool, enhanced corporate image or reputation and improved organisational performance.
By reflecting the communities they serve, businesses can connect more closely with customers and suppliers, with a diverse workforce bringing their talents, skills, abilities and networks to expand the scope and strength of their team and build business effectiveness.
GWB has been working with the Bradford for Everyone initiative to support the Inclusive Employers’ Project and develop the Inclusive Employers’ Toolkit which supports the development of inclusive employment practices and the promotion of work opportunities for everyone in the Bradford district.
The purpose of the toolkit is to support employers to develop their equality, diversity and inclusion practice in relation to recruitment practices, employee career progression and developing an inclusive workplace culture. It can help you develop your organisation’s approach to equality and deliver initiatives to achieve your diversity ambitions.
Contact us
See more on how we can work with you to support your recruitment needs.