Graduate workforce research and evaluation
Our research
Our research activity focuses on the contextual factors that influence career decision making for BAME students and graduates and how decision making interacts with identify and sense of possible self.
With high numbers of BAME graduates interested in staying in the Bradford District to access employment and develop their careers, developing a greater understanding of the influence of place and culture on career decision making for Bradford’s graduates will:
- Support the development of employability services and practices to help graduates progress on their career journey;
- Increase workforce diversity through the development of good employment practices and inclusive workplace cultures;
- Inform new ways of working for sustainable change.
We believe, by working in partnership, engaging in open and honest conversations as part of our research and evaluation, and learning from each other, we can influence positive change across the Bradford District.

GWB Summative Project Evaluation Report
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Our research and evaluation is being delivered through the Bradford Action Research Cycle and Process (BARCaP) as on-going activity. This enables us to:
- Understand the effectiveness of existing delivery and processes in supporting Bradford’s BAME graduates into graduate level employment;
- Inform and test the development and delivery of new processes and practice models across the Bradford District for the successful employment of graduates;
- Identify which activities and approaches generate sustainable impact for BAME students/graduates; employers; and the community in relation to access to local graduate level employment;
- Engage with the voice and experiences of BAME students, graduates and local communities in all aspects of research activity to understand lived experience and inform delivery;
- Embed sustainability across the partnership

Research activity
Our research centers on placing the voice of BAME students, graduates and communities at the heart of GWB activities, informing the development of practice across our partnership.
As well as ongoing review and evaluation of activities across the GWB partnership, we are undertaking the following bespoke research activities:
BAME student/graduate focus groups
Bespoke discussion groups to explore different aspects of the career journey in relation to aspirations, motivations, influences and identity.
We have undertaken, and will continue to undertake, interviews with students, graduates and providers of employability services in relation to experience and effectiveness of the approach.
South Asian discussion forum
The Forum provides an opportunity for members of Bradford’s South Asian community to share their thoughts and ideas on graduate careers and the labour market, providing insights into local perspectives on gaining a degree, career aspirations and accessing employment.
Longitudinal student research study
Being run over three years, this study is designed to increase knowledge and understanding of the influence of place and culture on BAME student and graduate’s career decision making. Its focus is on career aspirations; motivating factors; and what influences aspirations and decision-making, with the aim of generating a new understanding of how these impact post-graduate destination and progression.
If you’d like to find out more about our research or participate please contact us: [email protected]
Contact us
Our Research Assistant, Alexandra Fitzpatrick is working on this project. You can contact her to discuss research in these areas.