James Platts
Associate Director of Procurement
The Procurement team provides guidance to colleagues within departments and faculties across the University to ensure all expenditure is undertaken in a responsible and ethical manner.
We promote efficient and effective procurement, working with customers to ensure that responsible procurement and value for money is maximised. We employ best practice, advise on the management of risk, and ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.
If you can't find what you are looking for please contact the relevant team:
The University of Bradford Slavery and Human Trafficking statement outlines our commitment to achieving the best ethical standards in everything we do.
The University works with NetPositive Futures to develop its supply chain regarding sustainable procurement and modern slavery.
The software is funded by institutions of higher education (HEI) to encourage suppliers to engage and develop their Sustainability Action Plans, modern slavery objectives and any other university priorities free of charge. It enables the University of Bradford to work closely with preferred and strategic suppliers and allows suppliers to upload their policies and action plans with agreed targets and development schedules.
For further guidance on GDPR please see our Data protection policy.
Alternatively you can contact:
Data Protection Officer
University of Bradford
The University uses an external portal provided by the BiP Delta-ets e-tendering system to advertise its tender and contract opportunities.
To access this portal please visit our Tenders Opportunities page. Information can also be found here relating to previously advertised and closed contracts.
For further assistance please email [email protected] or contact us individually using the details below.