Professional development
Bradford Engineering Quality Improvement Centre (BEQIC) has developed learning interventions in Engineering Quality Improvement directed at technical and professional staff with responsibilities in specification, design, planning, product development, and new product launch activities. The interventions supports the application of knowledge in the workplace and relate to complex consumer goods developed in volume.
The EQI learning is tailored to be accessed in a number of ways ranging from a one-off short course to an integrated package of short courses along with a formally assessed work-based project leading to the award of a Post Graduate Certificate in Process Improvement.
The BEQIC short courses support the product creation process with avoidance of failure modes in design by guiding engineering professionals through ways of doing their jobs better using ingenuity and innovation of thought.
Our standard courses are workshop based so participants can gain sufficient skills to immediately apply the knowledge they have gained. In addition to standard courses, BEQIC can deliver courses in-company where the demand exists. The course content can also be customised to a particular company's needs.
The work-based project leading to the award of the Post Graduate Certificate in Process Improvement is based on the application of knowledge gained from the short courses. The academic credits associated with the Post Graduate Certificate can be used as a part of a course of further learning related to any UK university leading to the award of an MSc. BEQIC can offer such a course of learning through a work-based research project. Our standard courses include:
- Braking of Road Vehicles
- Failure Mode Avoidance

Braking of Road Vehicles course
The course, updated annually, has been running since 1997 and provides technical education in the subject area of brakes and braking systems for professionals in the Automotive Industry and associated organisations including OEMs, suppliers, legislative organisations, government, police, and armed forces, in the UK, Europe and worldwide.
It is a comprehensive course starting from the fundamentals of brakes and braking systems for car and commercial vehicle applications. Many recent developments in the field of braking are considered and both theoretical and practical standpoints are addressed. It is designed to facilitate discussion and interchange of experience between course members and lecturers who are all expert practitioners in their own field.
The course is intended for engineering, technical and professional staff in the industry who would benefit from a period of concentrated study in this important branch of automotive engineering. The course is broad enough in concept to benefit vehicle engineers generally, as well as those with specialist brake interests.
A degree, technical diploma, HND or HNC, or some professional qualification and practical experience is desirable, though not essential.
Continuing Education Certificates of Attendance are issued to participants. These count towards individual CPD records. Delegates are offered the opportunity to undertake a course assessment which, if successful, will result in academic credit to count towards a higher degree. Benefits of the course include:
- up to date guidance on the field of braking, with particular focus on road vehicles - cars and commercial vehicles.
- application of content to other fields including industrial engineering, aerospace, motor cycles, railways.
- Employers ncreased knowledge and understanding in the field of braking, in particular a broader understanding, e.g. friction materials for vehicle designers, legislation for materials suppliers, or basic theory and science for researchers.
- Insight into the way other braking specialists have dealt with the same challenges
There are opportunities to ask questions and talk to academic staff working in a range of related fields. The broad range of companies and organisations represented each year at the course (usually over 30 different companies and organisations from all over the world) provides a first class networking environment.
Each Delegate receives a book of the course notes which is convenient and up to date for ease of reference.
Find out more - including next course dates and booking information >>
Failure Mode Avoidance course
Many industries are facing the challenge of developing increasingly complex products with higher and higher standards of quality and reliability in time and cost competitive environments. This is particularly challenging for the automotive sector where production rates of one per minute, uncontrolled customer usage of the product in the field, product complexity, and frequent product upgrades all combine to make the task of engineering technically difficult.
Failure Mode Avoidance (FMA) delivers a step change in the effectiveness of business and engineering processes associated with product creation, from product definition to launch. Under this paradigm a failure mode is defined as any business condition (technical, planning, procedural) that will require a change (fix or countermeasure) to the current plan.
The impact of changes on the economics of product development is well known: any such change (and engineering changes in particular) is essentially a waste, which ultimately via cumulative and sometimes multiplicative effects, will affect the quality, cost and timing of the new product development and introduction.
The fundamental conjecture of the FMA philosophy is that failure modes only have to be found and fixed once. The cost effectiveness of any new product development and launch can be enhanced if potential failure modes are discovered as early as possible in the product creation process since early discovery gives more latitude for the selection of a countermeasure and requires less cost to implement the countermeasure.
Failure Mode Avoidance represents a disciplined approach to engineering which uses practices that both minimize the number of potential failure modes in the first place and ensure that all remaining failure modes are discovered, and countermeasures are implemented, as soon as possible.
The process has been pioneered by Ford Motor Company as part of their business turnaround strategy and has the active support of senior European management. Automotive suppliers and other industries engaged in the design and manufacture of volume product would also benefit from the Failure Mode Avoidance approach.