Professor Andrew Wilson
Professor in Forensic and Archaeological Sciences
Building Resilience Through Heritage
Building Resilience, Well-being, and Cohesion in Displaced Societies Using Digital Heritage is a AHRC GCRF funded project led by Dr Adrian Evans, Dr Karina Croucher, Professor Owen Greene and Professor Andrew Wilson, in partnership with the global organisation Mercy Corps
To engage with the refugee (primarily Syrian) and mixed communities in and around Azraq in Jordan to enable them to discuss and use the digital heritage technologies and capacities developed in our AHRC-funded projects for their own well-being, including building mutual confidence and community cohesion.
To learn from the experience to develop approaches and good practices for wider uses of digital heritage resources to the benefit of refugee, displaced and conflict-affected communities in other regions.
The project builds on the successes of the AHRC-funded Augmenting Jordanian Heritage (AJH) and Fragmented Heritage (Curious Travellers element) Projects, as well as drawing on aspects of the AHRC-funded Continuing Bonds Project. The follow-on funding reaches new audiences, namely refugee and communities in the Azraq region of Jordan, with an additional focus on the role of heritage in peacebuilding, thus representing a new interdisciplinary collaboration between archaeology, digital heritage, peace studies and international development, working with local partners in Jordan. The project aims to use heritage as a further key tool in an innovative and creative way, to enhance a sense of place, explore the role and value of digital heritage in identity, community development and wellbeing in contexts of displaced and conflict-affected communities.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BReaTHeHeritage