Dr Nadyah Alayadhi
MSc and PhD in Pharmacy
- Pharmacy Director at KCMH, the official healthcare provider of the state of Kuwait
- Is responsible for five major pharmacies and four medical and disposable stores
- Chose the University of Bradford due to a colleague's recommendation

Current role
"I am currently working as the Head of Pharmacy at Kuwait's largest mental health centre, with a bed capacity of over 800 inpatients. I am responsible for five major pharmacies - the main pharmacy, inpatients pharmacy, outpatients pharmacy, causality pharmacy and paediactrics pharmacy - and four medical and disposable stores.
"The duties of my department involve rehabilitation supervision, causality and patient relapse control, prescribing for the outpatients clinic , special orders supply, sleep clinics management and forensics inpatient management. The job can be challenging at times when dealing with patients but it's rewarding most of the time when patients are controlled and families are relieved.
"I was appointed to the post based on my 22 years’ experience in healthcare and excellent track record of service combined with my higher education, including an MSc and PhD in Pharmacy. I was nominated for this post by the undersecretary of Pharmaceutical Services at the Ministry of Health due to my two decades of excellent yearly ministerial evaluation, supported by recommendations of my peers and managers.
"Healthcare has always been rewarding and gives me a feeling of giving back to the community and my great country that has given me a lot."
At the beginning of COVID-19, there was an elevated rate of fear, stress and anxiety, as the lockdown extended and depression levels elevated. The role of KCMH has become indispensable and KCMH was the only tertiary healthcare centre that didn’t work at a reduced capacity. The department adapted paperless prescribing and dispensing methods and launched a home medicine delivery service.
Experience at Bradford
"The University of Bradford was recommended to me by a colleague who put in a great word for my initial MSc course, which then extended to PhD study. During my MSc, I admired my course leader Professor Brian Clark and this admiration encouraged me to pursue my PhD.
"I came from a family with two professors in Medicine and postgraduate study has always been a norm in my household.
"My supervisor, Professor Brian Clark, helped me to prepare for my leadership post and taught me how to be able to use logical thinking and express my opinion clearly.
"I tried to get a job in academia but unfortunately the universities required a lot of publications prior to graduation, which I did not achieve during my studies.
"I was very lucky that I studied at the University of Bradford, where I met a lot of great friends."