Alumni in Europe
Welcome to the group page dedicated to connecting alumni that are living, working or are originally from Europe. Here you will find information about the different alumni groups based across the continient and how to join them.
Total alumni in Europe: 98,457
Top three countries: UK, Greece, Netherlands
Total % alumni community: 66.7%
United Kingdom
Welcome to our alumni that live, work or come from the UK. Keep connected and hear about our latest updates and news for this region by joining any of the following alumni groups that are relevant to you.
Total number of alumni in the UK: 87,992
Total number of alumni in London: 3922
Join the London LinkedIn group.
Your Alumni Ambassador(s):
- Anelisse Bivol-Nigel, LLM International Law 2017, [email protected]
- Konstantinos Karafoulidis, MSc Human Resource Management 2018, [email protected]
- Sheroze Nadeem, LLB Law 2015, [email protected]
- Waqar Rashid, MBA 2021, [email protected]
- Whitney Then, BSc Human Resource Management 2016, [email protected]

Become a group leader
Is your country or region missing from the list above? Would you like to set-up and run your own alumni group, or support an existing group? Get in touch with the alumni team to find out how we can work together to make this happen.