Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy
We strive to be recognised as an exemplar for bringing about transformational diversity, inclusion and social mobility through the critical role of leadership in embedding intersectional EDI in order to make our diversity count and deliver impact.
We aim to accelerate equality for all and create an empowering environment that enables everyone to achieve their full potential, to contribute fully, and to derive maximum benefit from their involvement in the life of the University.
What we're doing to achieve this
- Equipping our University Executive Team to lead on EDI matters to reflect the need to embed the value of inclusion within all areas of work.
- Providing targeted support for the delivery of our Access and Participation Plan.
- Using inclusive educational approaches and signposting to good practice.
- Delivering core curricular content on Equality and Respect for all students.
- Embedding EDI within all staff development programme.

Our principles
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy is underpinned by these principles:
- We will continue our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion as a fundamental part of our university’s values, by demonstrating visible leadership on EDI related matters evident in the sub- strategies, underpinning action plans of all areas of the University including Access and Participation Plan [APP].
- We will continue our progress towards creating an environment that encourages openness and participation, where everyone feels respected, supported, valued and understands their personal responsibility for equality and inclusive practice.
- We will measure progress and explore intersectional experiences of disadvantage when addressing underrepresentation and barriers to achievement.
- We will work in partnership with staff, students, networks and forums, Trade Unions and wider stakeholders to progress the equality agenda.
- We will take seriously our legal obligation under the Public Sector Equality Duty (2010) to have due regard to the need to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act in relation to the nine protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, and broaden our consideration to include those characteristics not currently covered by legislation, for example social and economic inequality; and
- foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
Our strategic themes
Our strategic themes and objectives for enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion are:
- Performance- A Culture of Equality and better outcomes for all
- Advance demonstrable equality of opportunity for staff and students
- Reduce, and as far as possible remove, differential outcomes, including gaps in academic attainment and working conditions
- People - Making our diversity count
- Increase diversity and improve inclusion across both the student and staff Community
- Place - Enabling a climate for inclusion
- Develop and implement mechanisms to support staff and students to work and study in a culturally safe environment
- Drive social and economic equality at the University and in all we do